The Guide To Surf & Wave Photography E-Book (50 pages)
The Guide To Surf & Wave Photography E-Book (50 pages)
The Guide to Surf & Wave Photography
Everything you need to know to capture print worthy photos
“If you are thinking of getting into surf photography, Scott has put together this excellent e-book that answers all the questions you might have”
“I bought your e-book a couple of hours ago, and just finished my first read through. Amazing job! I’m sure i’ll revisit it a lot”
This is the book I wish I had 5 years ago when I started out taking surf and wave photos.
I wake up every morning well before the sun, grab my camera and head to the beach in the dark eagerly awaiting the new opportunities to shoot.
I have taken tens of thousands of photos in every different weather and light conditions possible and come home every day and studied them. I study why they work, why they don’t, how certain settings affect a shot, new settings, ideas, angles, compositions etc to try again tomorrow.
I have read and re-read everything under the topic of surf and wave photography and picked the brain of surf and ocean photographers at the top of their game, some that have been photographing surfing for 20+ years.
This book is a culmination of all the information I have learnt, tried and tested and is dedicated towards anyone wanting to get into this style of photography.
This book is for people who have bought a DSLR camera and learnt a few of the
basics, or maybe for those who have primarily shot landscapes or portraits. You have started seeing some of the amazing surfing and wave photography out there and want the tips and techniques all in one place so you can spend less time searching for information and more time out getting great photos.
50 pages & 55 images demonstrating every tip and technique
The book covers all of the following topics providing you with everything you need to know to create print-worthy images
Back Button Focus - Focus Modes - Shooting Direction & Light - Shooting Angles - Composition - Camera Settings - Slow Shutter - Understanding Surfing - Tripod Technique - Weather & Surf Reports - Preparation - Gear & Lenses - Cleaning Gear - Editing - Shooting in the Water
I know the information in here will help you as it’s all the information that has helped me so far.
Learn what i think is one of the most important shifts in increasing your hit rate for quality surf shots - switching your focus button to the back of your camera.
There are a number of focus modes and focus points on modern DSLR cameras. Learning which ones to use in each situation will be an unlock to getting a higher percentage of sharp images.
There is nothing more important in photography than light. Learn how to use it to your advantage for more professional looking surf images. Also understand how the direction you are shooting affects the look and colour of your images.
Most people stand front on to the ocean and point and shoot. Learn how changing your angles can completely transform your images and how lower and higher angles will produce images you never thought possible.
Even if you are shooting in full auto-mode, your composition turns your image from a basic snapshot to a real photograph. This section gives you all the secrets to how to compose your images like the pros.
Learn all about the Aperture / Shutter Speed / ISO to use in all situations from full daylight to sunrise / sunset
Whether you are shooting surfers or just waves only, there are a few different things to look for and consider
Tell a story while you are out shooting surfing but also documenting the surrounds. This section will tell you what to look for to enhance your portfolio
An increasingly popular technique in surf photography. There are 3 specific types of slow shutter techniques to master and this section takes you step by step through exactly how to do them.
Should you use a Tripod, Monopod or just handhold your camera. This will tell you what to do when and why.
The greater understanding you have of surfing as an activity and the movements surfers make, the better you will be able to anticipate the most photogenic moments. This section gives you some of the key things to learn and understand.
Great shots can often require great conditions. Learn how to read a surf and weather report to forecast when the best days will be to shoot waves at your specific location.
Preparation is key to getting great shots. Learn the checklist of everything to prepare for prior to a shoot to ensure you are ready to go when the conditions are good
You don’t need the most expensive gear on the market but if you are looking for what gear generally works best for surf photography then this will have your answers.
Whatever gear you invest in will be some kind of investment and shooting waves means you will be around sand and salt air. So ensure you are looking after your gear to get the best out of it for the longest amount of time.
This section is an uncomplicated basic editing overview to give your newly shot, sharp, well composed images a little extra visual boost.
As you progress with surf photography you may find yourself wanting to get in the water to be a bit closer to the action. This section gives you an introduction to this process, from gear to knowledge and a step by step safe approach
The Guide to Surf & Wave Photography
Everything you need to know to capture print worthy photos